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10 Great Podcasts An Entrepreneur Could Listen To

Here are 10 really insightful and interesting podcasts to keep any budding entrepreneur motivated. Enjoy!

The Bottom Line
Evan Davis hosts the business conversation show with people at the top giving insight into what matters.

The Internet History Podcast
A way to understand all the many pieces that came together to give us the Internet as it is today and the people shaping its future.

Between 2 Term Sheets
An Alacrity podcast on early-stage tech investment hosted by Owen Matthews.

BBC Business Daily
The biggest global news stories and how they impact on the business world.

The Marketing Buzzword Podcast
Each episode brings in a special guest (expert buzzword bee) to help debunk or demystify a marketing buzzword in order to give us some clarity about their meaning.

Freakonomics Radio
From the co-author of the 2005 book Freakonomics, the podcast will get you to question your assumptions and look a little deeper.

Girlboss Radio
Sophia Amoruso, founder of the online retailer Nasty Gal introduces you to some of the most impressive women in business.

The Tim Ferriss Show
This is a great choice for those who want serious content and big hitter interviews but with a more fun and light approach.

This Week In Startups
The most interesting, outrageous & illuminating stories from the world of entrepreneurship

The UXPodcast™
A twice-monthly digital design podcast sharing insights about business, technology and people

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